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        發(fā)布人: 日期:2012-05-04 00:00瀏覽次數(shù):2810點贊次數(shù):0
        Part I. 閱讀以下對話,選擇最佳答案填空(每空2分,共20分)。請將答案寫在答題紙上。
        RICK: Jackson, how are you feeling?
        JACKSON: Not bad. My arm still hurts, but I can use it. See?
        RICK: Are you working?
        JACKSON: Yes. I went back this week.
        MARTIN: What happened to your arm?
        JACKSON: I ____ on it while I was playing softball.
               1. A) fall                B) fell             C) felt            D) fallen
        MARTIN: Can you still play?
        JACKSON: Yes, i[a-z] [a-z] not the arm I throw with.
        RICK: It hurts when you bat, does[a-z] t it?
        JACKSON: Yes, a little.
        SALLY: Hi, everybody.
        RICK: Sally! Sit over here beside Martin.
        SALLY: Thanks. [a-z] [a-z] Sally Moulton.
        MARTIN: [a-z] [a-z] Martin Learner.
        RICK: ____ are you doing?
               2. A) What                    B) How          C) Why                 D) When
        SALLY: OK. I love this warm weather.
        JACKSON: I[a-z] [a-z] better than last week.
        SALLY: [a-z] [a-z] not happy when it rains so much.
        TONY: I do[a-z] t like it when it rains either.
        SALLY: I[a-z] [a-z] not good for business, is it?
        TONY: Not for my business.
        JACKSON: How is business?
        TONY: I[a-z] [a-z] been slow this summer. W[a-z] [a-z]e had too much rain and cold weather. People do[a-z] t go to the lake in such weather. Ho[a-z] [a-z] your business?
        JACKSON: Not very good.
        MARTIN: What do you do?
        JACKSON: [a-z] [a-z] a roofing contractor.
        MARTIN: What does that mean?
        JACKSON: I put roofs on new buildings. Or I put new roofs on old buildings.
        MARTIN: What kind of weather do you like ____ your work?
               3. A) in                  B) on             C) at                            D) for
        JACKSON: Hot. Hot and dry weather is best for me.
        SALLY: What do you do, Martin?
        MARTIN: [a-z] [a-z] a reporter.
        SALLY: What kind of weather is best for a reporter?
        MARTIN: Good weather is best for traveling. I travel a lot.
        RICK: But bad weather is on the news all the time.
        MARTIN: I do[a-z] t report on the weather.
        TONY: What do you report on?
        MARTIN: I write stories about people. I write about their work. I write about their free time.
        TONY: You mean sports and things like that?
        MARTIN: Sports, music, traveling, theater. Tha[a-z] [a-z] why [a-z] [a-z] here. [a-z] [a-z] going to write a story about the summer theater at Long Lake.
        SALLY: Excuse me. I must go home.
        RICK: How is your dad, Sally?
        SALLY: Not very well.
        RICK: [a-z] [a-z] sorry to hear that.
        JACKSON: Me too. Tell him we said "Hello."
        SALLY: Thanks. See you soon. Goodbye, Martin.
        MARTIN: Goodbye.
        RICK: Good night.
        TONY: See you soon, Sally.
        RICK: _____ are you doing on the weekend, Jackson?
               4. A) What                    B) How          C) Why                 D) When
        JACKSON: [a-z] [a-z] going to work on Saturday. [a-z] [a-z] going to play a little softball on Sunday. What are you going to do?
        RICK: Bill and I are going to go fishing.
        MARTIN: Where do you go fishing?
        RICK: Sometimes we go to the lake.
        JACKSON: I[a-z] [a-z] crowded on the weekend, is[a-z] t it?
        RICK: Yes, it is. On the weekend, we go to the Blue River. What are you going to do, Tony?
        TONY: Work, of course. [a-z] [a-z] busy on the weekend.
        RICK: If the weather is good.
        TONY: Right.
        JACKSON: Where will you be on the weekend, Martin?
        MARTIN: At home. [a-z] [a-z]l be ____ the theater tomorrow. Then [a-z] [a-z]l drive to the airport tomorrow night.
               5. A) in                  B) by             C) at                     D) into
        Then [a-z] [a-z]l fly home. Now, I must go to bed. It was nice to talk with you.
        RICK: [WITH JACKSON AND TONY] Good night. Bye. See you.
        MARTIN: Goodbye. Thanks for the drink.
        MARTIN: Good morning, Edith. [a-z] [a-z] sorry [a-z] [a-z] late. How long have you been here?
        EDITH: Good morning. [a-z] [a-z]e just arrived.
        MARTIN: I[a-z] [a-z] raining very hard.
        EDITH: I know. It _____ raining all morning. The traffic was terrible.
               6. A) was                     B) had been                  C) is                     D) has been
        MARTIN: I left my apartment an hour ago. The rain has been terrible. Are we very late for our meeting?
        EDITH: I[a-z] [a-z] all right. I called the office.
        MARTIN: Tha[a-z] [a-z] good. Thanks.
        EDITH: Tha[a-z] [a-z] OK. Le[a-z] [a-z] go.
        EDITH: Good morning, Mr. Sample. [a-z] [a-z] Edith Hill.
        SAMPLE: Good morning. How are you?
        EDITH: Fine thanks. This is Martin Learner.
        MARTIN: Good morning.
        SAMPLE: Hello. [a-z] [a-z] happy to meet both of you. Yo[a-z] [a-z]e come _____ something about NEAT.
               7. A) with              B) on                    C) for                   D) to
        MARTIN: And [a-z] [a-z] very sorry [a-z] [a-z] late.
        SAMPLE: No problem. Tha[a-z] [a-z] all right.
        MARTIN: The traffic was terrible.
        SAMPLE: Yes, I know. It rained all night. I left home at seven [a-z] [a-z]lock this morning, but I was late.
        EDITH: Where do you live?
        SAMPLE: I live in the country.
        EDITH: We do apologize.
        SAMPLE: Do[a-z] t worry. I[a-z] [a-z] all right. Would you like some coffee?
        MARTIN: If you have time, [a-z] [a-z] like coffee.
        EDITH: Yes, please.
        SAMPLE: Please help yourself.
        EDITH: Thanks. May I pour you _____, Martin?
               8. A) a cup                   B) coffee               C) tea                    D) milk
        MARTIN: Yes. Thank you.
        SAMPLE: Yo[a-z] [a-z]e here about NEAT, are[a-z] t you? What can I do for you?
        MARTIN: We need your help. Edith can explain.
        EDITH: We are making a proposal to the city for our neighborhood.
        EDITH: Oh, [a-z] [a-z] so sorry. I spilled coffee on your table.
        SAMPLE: No problem. Do[a-z] t worry. It wo[a-z] t _____ the table. Her[a-z] [a-z] a napkin.
               9. A) hurt                     B) harm                 C) harm                D) destroy
        EDITH: I am really sorry.
        SAMPLE: Tha[a-z] [a-z] all right. Now, where were we? You were telling me about a proposal, were[a-z] t you?
        EDITH: I apologize.
        SAMPLE: Do[a-z] t mention it.
        EDITH: Our neighborhood group prepared a proposal to the city. We need your help. Can you take a look at the proposal before we send it to the city?
        MARTIN: Tell him about the petition.
        EDITH: [a-z] [a-z] sorry. I forgot the petition. We wrote a petition asking the city to help ____ up our neighborhood.
               10. A) cleaning              B) clean                 C) cleans        D) to clean
        SAMPLE: Tha[a-z] [a-z] Hillside neighborhood, is[a-z] t it?
        EDITH: Yes, it is.
        SAMPLE: So you have a petition.
        MARTIN: Yes, signed by many, many of the neighborhood people.
        SAMPLE: And you have written a proposal to the city?
        EDITH: Tha[a-z] [a-z] right.
        MARTIN: We want you to read it. We think the cit[a-z] [a-z] environmental officer should read it first.
        SAMPLE: [a-z] [a-z] be happy to read it. Can you leave it with me?
        EDITH: Yes, her[a-z] [a-z] a copy. Ohhhh, [a-z] [a-z] so sorry. [a-z] [a-z]e spilled coffee on it.
        Part II. 語法句型填空(每空2分,共30分)。請將答案寫在答題紙上。
        1.         India and nearby countries are ____ danger of suffering a huge earthquake in the future.
        1. A) at                  B) in                     C) by                    D) on
        2.         This law describes a disability ____ an injury or condition that severely limits a perso[a-z] [a-z] major life activities.
        2. A) as                 B) for                    C) by                    D) /
        3.         American presidents can play an important part ____ changing the Supreme Court.
        3. A) for                B) by                    C) in                     D) on
        4.         Meteors are pieces of rock from space ____ up in our atmosphere.
        4. A) burn              B) burning             C) burns                D) burned
        5.         The Declaration of Independence ____ the British government _____ all the wrongs done to the colonies.
        5. A) blamed/by      B) blamed/on         C) blamed/with             D) blamed/for
        6.         American scientists are studying the effect of the wildfires _____ the environment.
               6. A) on                 B) with                  C) in                     D) for
        7.         The changes meant to strengthen buildings have not reduced the number of people ____ in a major earthquake.
        7. A) killed             B) that killed          C) killing               D) kills
        8.         There is evidence that such pressure _____ in the past only through great earthquakes.
        8. A) has eased       B) has been eased          C) eased         D) eases
        9.         All of the trees released nearly all the mercury ______ had stored.
               9. A) that        B) which               C) it                             D) they
        10.     Mercury travels as a gas in the atmosphere for about a year before _____ in water or on the ground.
               10. A) landed         B) landing              C) it lands                     D) they land
        11.     India and nearby countries are ____ danger of suffering a huge earthquake in the future.
               11. A) at                B) on                    C) in                            D) with
        12.     The last major Himalayan earthquake ____ place in the Indian state of Assam in Nineteen-Fifty was measured eight point five on the Richter scale.
               12. A) took            B) taken                C) taking                      D) take
        13.     The governments in those countries need to strengthen buildings to prepare _____ the possibility of such an event.
               13. A) /                 B) for                    C) with                        D) on
        14.     The Red Cross planned to use about half the money ____ to the Liberty Fund for future programs.
               14. A) that gave      B) that gives          C) gives                       D) given
        15.     The UN refugee agency appealed ____ security help for Macedonian and ethnic Albanian refugees.
               15. A) for                     B) on                    C) with                        D) to
        Part III. 將下列短語翻譯成漢語(每題2分,共10分)。請將答案寫在答題紙上。
        1.         to be effective in stopping the deadly activity
        2.         to clear the infectious proteins from mouse brain cells
        3.         to expect their money to be used to help victims
        4.         to repay the fund for any money used for other projects
        5.         to take an official vote on the issue
        Part IV. 閱讀以下文章,選擇最佳答案填空(每空2分,共40分)。請將答案寫在答題紙上。
        Endangered turtles in the Indian Ocean and waters of Southeast Asia are about to receive some help. Countries in the area have agreed to a plan to save six important kinds of turtles. These species are __1__ risk of disappearing because of the demand for their meat and their eggs. The nests where they __2__ their eggs are also being destroyed. And many sea turtles are caught accidentally in fishing operations.
        Delegates from twenty-one countries met recently in the Philippines __3__ part of the Convention on Migratory Species. They agreed to establish programs designed to increase the number of sea turtles across the wide ocean area. The agreement is to __4__ effect next month. The six species of turtles to be rescued in the project are the loggerhead, olive ridley, green, hawksbill, leatherback and flatback.
        Sea turtles have existed on Earth for millions of years. They are an important part of the ocea[a-z] [a-z] environmental system. The turtles help scientists __5__ the health of the environment in which they live. Most sea turtles live in warm waters. However, the leatherback turtle has been found in cold waters as far north as Nova Scotia, Canada.
        Sea turtles spend their life in the ocean. They return to the beach where they __6__ to lay their eggs. Some leatherback turtles can weigh more than almost five-hundred kilograms.
        Human activities have greatly reduced the number of sea turtles in the world. The new rescue plan is an important __7__ in efforts to increase the sea turtle population.
        India, Pakistan and Iran are among the countries that have already begun major projects to __8__ sea turtles. Long-term projects have also been established in Australia and South Africa. Many countries are also working with local and international wildlife groups.
        In Terengganu, Malaysia, a team of scientists has __9__ more than two-hundred-fifty-thousand turtle eggs. Thousands of young turtles have been hatched and returned to the ocean. Similar egg rescue plans are taking __10__ in other parts of Malaysia led by the Malaysian Department of Fisheries and the World Wide Fund for Nature.
        The United States, Australia and the United Nations Environment Programme have agreed to support an organization to supervise the sea turtle rescue project.
        1.         A) at                     B) by                    C) in                    D) on
        2.         A) lay                    B) lie                     C) place                D) play
        3.         A) as                     B) by                    C) for                   D) in
        4.         A) begin                B) get                    C) make                D) take
        5.         A) learn                 B) know                C) see                   D) understand
        6.         A) were hatched     B) hatched             C) are hatched              D) hatched
        7.         A) act                   B) action               C) step                  D) move
        8.         A) defend              B) guard                C) save                 D) secure
        9.         A) protected          B) saved                C) secured             D) rescued
        10.     A) action               B) steps                 C) place                D) part
        An American archeologist has a new theory about an ancient statue found in Greece. Keith DeVries of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia says the statue may have once belonged to King Midas.
        He believes the statue __11__ once part of the special chair used by the king, called a throne. He says ancient records and other evidence show the statue came from a throne that Midas is believed to have given __12__ a gift to the Greek god Apollo.
        The small statue is known as "The Lion Tamer." It shows a man and a lion. It is about twenty-three centimeters tall. It is made __13__ ivory, from the tusk of an elephant. It was discovered in Nineteen-Thirty-Nine in Delphi, Greece. It had been buried with other objects near the ruins of the Corinthian Treasury building.
        King Midas ruled an ancient country __14__ Phrygia in what is now central Turkey. He lived about two-thousand-seven-hundred years ago. King Midas was said to be extremely rich. Stories said he could change anything he touched __15__ gold.
        The ancient Greek historian Herodotus claimed to have seen King Mida[a-z] [a-z] throne in the Corinthian treasury at Delphi three-hundred years after the king died. The throne itself has not been found. The statue has cuttings in its back. This __16__ it was once attached to something, possibly a chair.
        "The Lion Tamer" statue is in a museum in Delphi, Greece. __17__ years, experts have debated the statu[a-z] [a-z] history. Many experts thought it came from Greece. However, others thought it came from somewhere else.
        Mister DeVries says the discovery of similar ivory statues in Turkey __18__ support to his argument that the statue is Phrygian. Those objects were recovered __19__ burial areas at the ancient Phrygian capital of Gordion and at Elmali.
        Scientists used a process known as radiocarbon dating to confirm that the statues date to the time of King Midas. Radiocarbon dating shows the level of a radioactive form of carbon in a substance. This can tell scientists __20__ an object was made.
        Mister DeVries works for the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania. He reported his research at a meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in Philadelphia.      
        11.     A) may be             B) was                  C) is                          D) may have been
        12.     A) as                     B) by                    C) for                   D) with
        13.     A) by                    B) from                 C) of                     D) with
        14.     A) call                   B) called                C) calls                 D) calling
        15.     A) by                    B) into                   C) in                     D) with
        16.     A) tells                  B) says                  C) suggests           D) speaks
        17.     A) For                   B) On                    C) In                     D) With
        18.     A) adds                 B) add                   C) adding                     D) added
        19.     A) at                     B) from                 C) on                    D) in
        20.     A) why                 B) when                C) how                 D) where


        Part 1
        Part 2
        Part 3
        Part 4
        Part I. 閱讀以下對話,選擇最佳答案填空(每空2分,共20分)。
        1.           2.           3.           4.           5.           6.           7.           8           9            10.
        Part II. 語法句型填空(每空2分,共30分)。
        1.           2.           3.           4.           5.           6.           7.           8           9            10.
        11.         12.         13.         14.         15.
        Part III. 將下列短語翻譯成漢語(每題2分,共10分)。
        Part IV. 閱讀以下文章,選擇最佳答案填空(每題2分,共40分)。
        1.           2.           3.           4.           5.           6.           7.           8           9            10.
        11.         12.         13.         14.         15.         16.         17.         18.         19.         20

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