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        發(fā)布人: 日期:2007-05-30 00:00瀏覽次數(shù):2398點贊次數(shù):0
        1. ___________ to change job, I decided to return to college as a mature student. I wish I 2. ________ harder when I was younger, but I never enjoyed school. This night 3.____________ because I was very shy as a child and was always worried 4. _____________ the teacher asking me questions. I was a little late applying to the college and should 5. _______________ for interview earlier, but the college was very helpful and agreed to a late interview. As 6. ______________ of this, I was able to enrol on a computeing course last month. They told me that the interview dates needed to be 7. ______________ to make it easier for mature students, as they anticipate that the number of mature students will 8. _______________ rise next year. I am not surprised. I am finding the classes very interesting and am enjoying putting my efforts 9. ________________ something new. I would recommend anyone 10. _______ to college if they want to.
        1. A. Wanting              B. Want               C. To want            
        2. A. have studied           B. had studied          C. am studied
        3. A. had been              B. be                  C. have been
        4. A. /                     B. about               C. at
        5. A. attend                 B. have attended        C. attended
        6. A. resulting               B. to result            C. a result
        7. A. change                 B. have changed       C. changed
        8. A. be                     B. /                  C. to
        9. A. on                     B. into               C. at
        10. A. returning              B. to return             C. return

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