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        發(fā)布人: 日期:2007-05-30 00:00瀏覽次數(shù):4235點(diǎn)贊次數(shù):0
        Part II. Vocabulary and Structure
        1. English is interesting, _____ I did[a-z] [a-z] like it at first.
        A. and                        B. so                      C. but                         D. or
        2. Which do you like _____, apples or oranges?
        A. best                       B. good                    C. well                       D. better
        3. The production would be ______________ limited by the strike.
           A. severely          B. serious            C. heavy                D. consequently
        4. [a-z] [a-z] thinking about ______________ the course in diving this summer.
           A. visiting           B. making            C. taking                 D. training
        5. You will be particularly interested in our computing courses, ____________ give you the essential skills for the modern employment market.
           A. which            B. that               C. who                  D. where
        6. In order to satisfy this demand several proposals have been ______________.
           A. put on            B. put forward         C. put off               D. put up
        7. These are articles about ordinary people rather than about politics or national ____________.
           A. things           B. affairs              C. matters               D. accidents
        8. -- [a-z] [a-z] sorry you have missed the bus. It _____ five minutes ago.
        -- What a pity!
        A. was leaving            B. has left                  C. left                          D. leaves
        9. Do[a-z] [a-z] make me _____ this or that. [a-z] [a-z] too busy!
        A. to do                   B. do                        C. doing                      D. done
        10. Who can tell me _____ at the meeting?
        A. what he said          B. he said what           C. what did he say        D. how he said
        11. My grandma did[a-z] [a-z] go to sleep ______ I got back home.
        A. where            B. until                C. as soon as             D. while
        12. – What else do you want?
           -- ________ else. I think I have got everything ready.
        A. Something         B. Nothing             C. Anything             D. Everything
        13. Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada,           this was a memory she especially treasured.
           A. as                 B. if                  C. when                D. where
        14. More investment ______________ in the area soon.
          A. will needed      B. will be needing     C. will be needed      D. will be need
        15. I[a-z] [a-z] terrible. They have built the new prison right ____________our doorstep. 
          A. over            B. in                C. on                D. by
        16. [a-z] [a-z] angry ______________ her for missing our appointment.
          A. with            B. over              C. about              D. of
        17. [a-z] [a-z] booked on to tomorro[a-z] [a-z] flight, _______________?
          A. am[a-z] [a-z]           B. are[a-z] [a-z] I            C. shall I              D. are I
        18. I need a _______________ milk for this recipe.
          A. two-litre carton of                    B. two litres carton of   
        C. two-litre carton                      D. two-litres-carton of
        19. Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost.          , their political influence should be very great.
           A. As a result       B. As usual          C. Even so            D. So far
        20. People appreciate _____________ with him because he has a good sense of humor.
        A. working           B. to work          C. to have worked     D. have working
        21. Le[a-z] [a-z] start working on the project, __________?
        A. shall we           B. will we           C. do[a-z] [a-z] we          D. are[a-z] [a-z] we
        22. ____________ a teacher, one must first be a pupil.
        A. Being             B. Having been       C. To be            D. To have been
        23. ________ a boy, I used to like running in the early morning.
        A. Like              B. As               C. Alike             D. For
        24. “ ________ are you going to stay there?”
        “For a week or so.”
        A. How much         B. How long         C. How soon         D. What time
        25.          this cake, yo[a-z] [a-z]l need 2 eggs, 175 g sugar and 175 g flour.
           A. Having made        B. Make             C. To make          D. Making
        26. "You ca[a-z] t have this football back             you promise not to kick it at my cat again," the old man said firmly.
           A. so                 B. since             C. when             D. until
        27. The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. She told me that she            before.
           A. has[a-z] t flown         B. did[a-z] t fly           C. had[a-z] t flown        D. was[a-z] t flying
        28.No one helped me. I did it all ________ myself.
        A. for                     B. by                   C. from                D. to
        29.Mary wrote an article on _______ the team had failed to win the game.
            A. why                   B. what                C. who                 D. that
        30.I have many friends, _______ some are businessmen.
              A. of them                B. from which           C. who of                D. of whom

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